Monday, November 13, 2017

Interested in a postdoc position on temporal dynamics?

A postdoctoral scholarship position is available in auditory-motor integration in music and speech, with an emphasis on temporal dynamics of group interaction. Dr. Caroline Palmer's lab (, Psychology, McGill University, Montreal) uses behavioural, motion capture, and EEG techniques in measurement and modeling of temporal dynamics, with strong ties to Montreal's Centre for Research in Brain, Language and Music, BRAMS, and Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music Media and Technology.

This 1- or 2-year position is ideal for a motivated scholar with a strong background of experimental skills in cognitive neuroscience and/or computational modeling. Specific projects will be developed with the scholar. Applicants must receive their PhD within 3 years of the application date. Applicants should submit a cover letter, CV, and 3 representative papers, and arrange for 3 letters of reference to be sent to: Start date (negotiable) is early 2018. For further details, contact Caroline Palmer ( | |

Tuesday, November 07, 2017

Benieuwd wat er gebeurde in de Nacht van Wetenschap? [Dutch]

Interested in a PhD in the Humanities at ILLC?

The Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) can nominate two candidates for a pre-selection procedure for the 2018 edition of NWO's PhDs in the Humanities programme. These could be internal UvA candidates from the MA Musicology, MSc Brain and Cognitive Science or any other relevant Master Programme, but excellent outside candidates will be considered as well.

For the internal ILLC selection, candidates should submit the following documents:
  1. a brief description of the proposed research (max 1 page A4), including the name of the proposed supervisor and promotor;
  2. a CV of the candidate.
These documents should be submitted by e-mail to the ILLC office:

The deadline for submitting these documents is January 1, 2018, 23:59.