Monday, August 23, 2021

Interested in rhythm and synchronization in humans and other animals?

Today a novel theme issue of the Philosophical Transactions B came out that assembles current studies that ask how and why precise synchronization and related forms of rhythm interaction are expressed in a wide range of behavior. The studies cover human activity, with an emphasis on music, and social behavior, reproduction and communication in non-human animals.

Greenfield, M. D., Honing, H, Kotz, S A. & Ravignani, A  (2021) Synchrony and rhythm interaction: from the brain to behavioural ecology. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 376

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Interested in bridging data science and music research during a PhD at the UvA?

The UvA Data Science Centre seeks to accelerate data driven research within the UvA. Part of that mission is to foster interdisciplinary research. Specifically, in this call, the UvA aims to foster research into new data science methods that help to tackle hard challenging problems in a given domain. Such interaction is realized through joint supervision of the proposed PhD project: one supervisor with core expertise in data science methods, the other with core expertise in the domain problem. 

For details on the PhD-program see here.  

If interested, please contact MCG before September 1, 2021.

Deadline for final applications:  September 23, 2021,17:00.

Wednesday, August 04, 2021

Zijn álle dieren muzikaal? [Dutch]

Zijn álle dieren muzikaal? Klopt de aanname van Charles Darwin dat álle dieren melodie en ritme kunnen waarnemen en waarderen? Henkjan Honing licht dit toe tijdens een webinar georganiseerd door de KNAW over de communicatie tussen robots en dieren op 9 sep. Meld je aan via: