Sunday, October 23, 2022

Interested in doing a PhD in music cognition?

Master students of the UvA (or excellent external candidates) are invited to submit a short proposal to be seleced as candidate for NWO's PhD in the Humanities programme. The aim of the PhDs in the Humanities funding instrument is to increase the number of young talented researchers in the humanities, and to facilitate their progression on the academic career ladder. See NWO website for more information. 
At the ILLC there will be a pre-selection procedure based on a short proposal and cv. More information for internal candidates is available here
Deadline for pre-proposals: 2 December 2022.

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Are we born to be musical?

'From the beat we hear while still in our mother’s stomachs [sic], to the teenage anthems we blare out of speakers, to the songs that make and break our hearts, music is a fundamental part of being human. But why do we move to a rhythm, are we actually born to be musical, and how does music really shape who we are?'

This is the first episode of The Rhythm of Life, a series from BBC Reel exploring the power of music.

Waarom kunnen sommige mensen niet dansen? [Dutch]

Het Amsterdam Dance Event is begonnen. Waarom kunnen sommige mensen niet dansen? 

Een gesprek met neurowetenschapper Fleur Bouwer van de Universiteit van Amsterdam. De aflevering is hier te vinden.