Thursday, December 18, 2014

Difference between the GAE and VL hypothesis?

Summary diagrams of vocal systems in songbirds, humans, monkeys, and mice. 
(Figure 1 from Petkov & Jarvis in Ackermann et al., 2014).

Today a commentary was published in BBS in which the gradual audiomotor evolution (GAE) hypothesis (Honing & Merchant, 2014) is proposed as an alternative interpretation to the auditory timing mechanisms discussed in the target article by Ackermann et al. (2014).

While often a link is made between vocal learning (VL) and a species' auditory timing skills (e.g., 'entrainment'), the GAE and VL hypotheses show the following crucial differences.

First, the GAE hypothesis does not claim that the neural circuit that is engaged in rhythmic entrainment is deeply linked to vocal perception, production, and learning, even if some overlap between the circuits exists.

Second, the GAE hypothesis suggests that rhythmic entrainment could have developed through a gradient of anatomofunctional changes on the interval-based mechanism to generate an additional beat-based mechanism, instead of claiming a categorical jump from non-rhythmic/single-interval to rhythmic entrainment/multiple-interval abilities.

Third, since the cortico-basal ganglia-thalamic (CBGT) circuit has been involved in beat-based mechanisms in imaging studies, we suggest that the reverberant flow of audiomotor information that loops across the anterior pre-frontal CBGT circuits may be the underpinning of human rhythmic entrainment.

Finally, the GAE hypothesis suggests that the integration of sensorimotor information throughout the mCBGT circuit and other brain areas during the perception or execution of single intervals is similar in human and nonhuman primates.

ResearchBlogging.orgAckermann, H., Hage, S., & Ziegler, W. (2014). Brain mechanisms of acoustic communication in humans and nonhuman primates: An evolutionary perspective Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 1-84 DOI: 10.1017/S0140525X13003099
ResearchBlogging.orgHoning, H., & Merchant, H. (2014). Differences in auditory timing between human and non-human primates. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 27(6), 557-558 DOI: 10.1017/S0140525X13004056. [Alternative link: ]
ResearchBlogging.orgMerchant, H., & Honing, H. (2014). Are non-human primates capable of rhythmic entrainment? Evidence for the gradual audiomotor evolution hypothesis. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 7 (274) 1-8. doi 10.3389/fnins.2013.00274 

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Interested in a PhD position at the University of Amsterdam?

The Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) can nominate two candidates for a pre-selection procedure for the 2015 edition of NWO's PhDs in the Humanities programme. These could be internal UvA candidates from the MSc Brain and Cognitive Science, MA Musicology or any other relevant Master Programme, but excellent outside candidates will be considered as well. See our website for a detailed description of the (elaborate) procedure.

N.B. Deadline for pre-applications is 1 January 2015.

Friday, December 05, 2014

Hebben dieren ook muzikaal gevoel? (5/5) [Dutch]

Ken je Snowball al? De witte kakatoe dansend op de Backstreet Boys? Of Ronan, de headbangende zeeleeuw? Deze dieren lijken zeker maatgevoel te hebben. Is muzikaliteit dan niet alleen uniek bij de mens? Wat zegt dat over muziek in relatie tot onze evolutionaire ontwikkeling?Een college over het belang van onderzoek naar muziekcognitie in biologie.

Voor de andere lezingen zie hier.


00:30 Mampe et al. (2009)
04:00 Honing (2012); Honing et al.(2014)
05:30 Winkler et al. (2009)
06:30 Honing et al. (2012)
11:00 Patel et al. (2009)
12:30 Cook et al. (2013)
15:00 Honing et al. (2015, in press)

 ResearchBlogging.orgMampe B, Friederici AD, Christophe A, & Wermke K (2009). Newborns' cry melody is shaped by their native language. Current biology : CB, 19 (23), 1994-7 PMID: 19896378
ResearchBlogging.orgHoning, H. (2012). Without it no music: beat induction as a fundamental musical trait Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1252 (1), 85-91 DOI: 10.1111/j.1749-6632.2011.06402.x
ResearchBlogging.orgHoning H, Bouwer FL, & Háden GP (2014). Perceiving Temporal Regularity in Music: The Role of Auditory Event-Related Potentials (ERPs) in Probing Beat Perception. Advances in experimental medicine and biology, 829, 305-23 PMID: 25358717
ResearchBlogging.orgWinkler I, Háden GP, Ladinig O, Sziller I, & Honing H (2009). Newborn infants detect the beat in music. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106 (7), 2468-71 PMID: 19171894
ResearchBlogging.orgPatel AD, Iversen JR, Bregman MR, & Schulz I (2009). Experimental evidence for synchronization to a musical beat in a nonhuman animal. Current biology : CB, 19 (10), 827-30 PMID: 19409790
ResearchBlogging.orgCook, P., Rouse, A., Wilson, M., & Reichmuth, C. (2013). A California sea lion (Zalophus californianus) can keep the beat: Motor entrainment to rhythmic auditory stimuli in a non vocal mimic. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 127 (4), 412-427 DOI: 10.1037/a0032345 Honing, H., ten Cate, C., Peretz, I., & Trehub, S. (February 2015, in press). Without it no music: Cognition, biology, and evolution of musicality. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. Theme Issue on Musicality.

Thursday, December 04, 2014

Hoe komt het dat een liedje in je hoofd blijft hangen? (4/5) [Dutch]

De hele dag dat ene hitje in je hoofd: een oorwurm! Muziekproducenten kunnen het zich niet beter wensen. Wat maakt dat liedje nou zo makkelijk te onthouden? En hoe kan het dat je dat ene nummer zo snel herkent? een ceollege over de ingrediënten voor het maken van een ware muziekhit en waardoor luisteraars zo ‘Hooked on Music’ zijn…

Voor de andere lezingen zie hier.


01:30 Gjergdingen & Perrott (2008)
02:30 Margulis (2014)
04:00 Burgoyne, Balen, Bountouridis, & Honing (2013).
08:00 ;
09:00 Salimpoor & Zatorre (2013)

ResearchBlogging.orgGjerdingen, R., & Perrott, D. (2008). Scanning the Dial: The Rapid Recognition of Music Genres Journal of New Music Research, 37 (2), 93-100 DOI: 10.1080/09298210802479268

ResearchBlogging.orgDunsby, J. (2014). On Repeat: How Music Plays the Mind. By Elizabeth Hellmuth Margulis Music and Letters, 95 (3), 497-499 DOI: 10.1093/ml/gcu055

ResearchBlogging.orgJ.A. Burgoyne, D. Bountouridis, J. van Balen, & H. Honing (2013). Hooked: A Game for Discovering What Makes Music Catchy. Proceedings of the 14th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, 245-250. Curitiba, Brazil.

ResearchBlogging.orgSalimpoor, V., van den Bosch, I., Kovacevic, N., McIntosh, A., Dagher, A., & Zatorre, R. (2013). Interactions Between the Nucleus Accumbens and Auditory Cortices Predict Music Reward Value Science, 340 (6129), 216-219 DOI: 10.1126/science.1231059

Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Word je slimmer van luisteren naar Mozart? (3/5) [Dutch]

Het Mozarteffect. Studenten halen gegarandeerd hun tentamens, koeien zullen meer melk produceren en zelfs tomaten gaan beter smaken wanneer ze ‘luisteren’ naar klassieke muziek. Is dat zo? Waar heeft dit mee te maken?

Voor de andere lezingen zie hier.


02:00 Rauscher, Shaw, & Ky (1993)
08:30 Thompson, Schellenberg, & Husain, G. (2001)
10:30 Schellenberg (2004); Jaschke, Eggermont, Honing, & Scherder (2013)

ResearchBlogging.orgRauscher, F., Shaw, G., & Ky, C. (1993). Music and spatial task performance Nature, 365 (6447), 611-611 DOI: 10.1038/365611a0

ResearchBlogging.orgThompson, W., Schellenberg, E., & Husain, G. (2001). Arousal, Mood, and The Mozart Effect Psychological Science, 12 (3), 248-251 DOI: 10.1111/1467-9280.00345

ResearchBlogging.orgGlenn Schellenberg, E. (2004). Music Lessons Enhance IQ Psychological Science, 15 (8), 511-514 DOI: 10.1111/j.0956-7976.2004.00711.x

ResearchBlogging.orgJaschke AC, Eggermont LH, Honing H, & Scherder EJ (2013). Music education and its effect on intellectual abilities in children: a systematic review. Reviews in the neurosciences, 24 (6), 665-75 PMID: 24169311

Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Kun je ritmegevoel trainen? (2/5) [Dutch]

Ben jij een hork op de dansvloer? Er is nog hoop! Een college waarin door middel van geluidstestjes getest wordt hoe ons gehoor werkt als het aankomt op ritme- en maatgevoel. Heeft dit te maken met culturele achtergrond? Of juist erfelijke aanleg?

Voor de andere lezingen zie hier.


01:00 Phillips-Silver et al. (2011); Mathias et al. (in press)
01:30 Hannon & Trehub (2005)
09:00 Large & Jones (1999); Honing (2006)

ResearchBlogging.orgPhillips-Silver, J., Toiviainen, P., Gosselin, N., Piché, O., Nozaradan, S., Palmer, C., & Peretz, I. (2011). Born to dance but beat deaf: A new form of congenital amusia Neuropsychologia, 49 (5), 961-969 DOI: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2011.02.002 Mathias et al. (in press)

ResearchBlogging.orgHannon, E., & Trehub, S. (2005). Metrical Categories in Infancy and Adulthood Psychological Science, 16 (1), 48-55 DOI: 10.1111/j.0956-7976.2005.00779.x

ResearchBlogging.orgLarge, E., & Jones, M. (1999). The dynamics of attending: How people track time-varying events. Psychological Review, 106 (1), 119-159 DOI: 10.1037//0033-295X.106.1.119

ResearchBlogging.orgHoning, H. (2006). Computational Modeling of Music Cognition: A Case Study on Model Selection Music Perception, 23 (5), 365-376 DOI: 10.1525/mp.2006.23.5.365

Monday, December 01, 2014

Heb je uitzonderlijk muzikaal gehoor? (1/5) [Dutch]

Ben jij een beetje muzikaal? Kun jij een liedje op de perfecte toonhoogte meezingen? Hoor jij meteen of er een valse snaar op een gitaar zit? Sommigen mensen zijn volledig toondoof. Maar mensen met absoluut gehoor kunnen (zonder te kijken!) aan een pianotoets al horen welke noot het is. Een heel zeldzame gave! Maar is deze luistereigenschap wel zo bijzonder?

Voor de andere lezingen zie hier.


01:00 Peretz et al. (2003)
02:00 Peretz & Zatorre (2005); Stewart et al. (2006)
02:30 Takeuchi & Hulse (1993)
05:30 Levitin (1994)
06:00 Schellenberg & Trehub (2003)
09:00 Trehub (2003); Trainor & Trehub (1993)

ResearchBlogging.orgPeretz I, Champod AS, & Hyde K (2003). Varieties of musical disorders. The Montreal Battery of Evaluation of Amusia. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 999, 58-75 PMID: 14681118

ResearchBlogging.orgPeretz, I., & Zatorre, R. (2005). Brain Organization for Music Processing Annual Review of Psychology, 56 (1), 89-114 DOI: 10.1146/annurev.psych.56.091103.070225

ResearchBlogging.orgStewart L, von Kriegstein K, Warren JD, & Griffiths TD (2006). Music and the brain: disorders of musical listening. Brain : a journal of neurology, 129 (Pt 10), 2533-53 PMID: 16845129

ResearchBlogging.orgTakeuchi, A., & Hulse, S. (1993). Absolute pitch. Psychological Bulletin, 113 (2), 345-361 DOI: 10.1037//0033-2909.113.2.345

ResearchBlogging.orgLevitin, D. (1994). Absolute memory for musical pitch: Evidence from the production of learned melodies Perception & Psychophysics, 56 (4), 414-423 DOI: 10.3758/BF03206733

ResearchBlogging.orgSchellenberg, E., & Trehub, S. (2003). Good Pitch Memory Is Widespread Psychological Science, 14 (3), 262-266 DOI: 10.1111/1467-9280.03432

ResearchBlogging.orgTrehub SE (2003). The developmental origins of musicality. Nature neuroscience, 6 (7), 669-73 PMID: 12830157